Karte Rangliste


Besiegte Gegner: 4.852.683 (158.)
Stamm: Hölle

Dörfer (55) Koordinaten Punkte
Capture the Flag
503|485 9.977
Capture the Flag
505|484 8.410
Capture the Flag
499|543 9.125
Capture the Flag
499|541 9.977
Capture the Flag
512|524 9.977
Capture the Flag
501|538 9.977
Capture the Flag
500|542 9.977
Capture the Flag
502|540 9.977
Capture the Flag
501|482 9.977
Capture the Flag
502|475 9.977
Capture the Flag
503|473 9.977
Capture the Flag
509|550 9.977
Capture the Flag
510|533 9.977
Capture the Flag
497|533 9.977
Capture the Flag
500|541 9.691
Capture the Flag
509|567 6.784
Capture the Flag
501|488 9.260
Capture the Flag
507|539 5.746
Capture the Flag
513|482 8.518
Capture the Flag
502|472 5.361
Capture the Flag
496|536 9.977
Capture the Flag
498|543 9.977
Capture the Flag
495|539 9.977
Capture the Flag
498|544 9.782
Capture the Flag
500|536 7.148
Capture the Flag
503|544 9.579
Capture the Flag
502|484 9.977
Capture the Flag
506|478 5.986
Capture the Flag
499|486 7.186
Capture the Flag
504|532 9.744
Capture the Flag
492|542 9.977
Capture the Flag
502|481 9.977
Capture the Flag
502|512 9.977
Capture the Flag
506|477 6.227
Capture the Flag
500|539 9.977
Capture the Flag
498|541 9.977
Capture the Flag
509|557 9.977
Capture the Flag
504|540 9.977
Capture the Flag
509|549 9.977
Capture the Flag
501|480 8.331
Capture the Flag
512|482 9.977
Capture the Flag
504|543 5.524
Capture the Flag
505|472 5.638
Capture the Flag
503|482 9.977
Capture the Flag
495|548 9.977
Capture the Flag
507|544 5.843
Capture the Flag
512|481 5.411
Capture the Flag
499|545 9.977
Capture the Flag
504|560 9.977
Capture the Flag
499|549 9.977
Capture the Flag
506|581 3.347
Capture the Flag
502|580 2.635
Capture the Flag
504|600 5.449
Capture the Flag
501|486 7.476
Capture the Flag
495|544 9.977
Persönlicher Text

Plünderer (Gold - Stufe 4)

Plündere 10.000-mal fremde Dörfer.

Erfolge in anderen Welten
Casual 19

Casual 18

Welt 219

Welt 233